Benefits of the system
- unleashing the hidden potential of fully informed team members
- sustainable development with better perspective, feelings and results
- forecasted team decision-making respecting the local and global priorities
Navigation PROGNOSIS
- GENERAL prognosis of the Primary proposal
- SPECIFIC prognosis of the Secondary proposal
- NAVIGATION prognosis of the Navigation proposal
Iterative nature
ion21Swiss is a generalized Swiss model of teamwork, leading to better perspective, feelings and results, enriched by taking into account the motivation factors of Activity + Competence + Investment.
ion21Swiss system emphasizes the full utilization of the team potential in finding the best solution and its implementation:
- expert system where voters can follow expert discussions, share their competency votes to preferred team experts
- universal system that includes different decision-making models, according to the parameters setting and votes sharing
A key element of the team decision making is the quality of optimization proposals to improve the cooperation strategy and parameters presented and assessed by all team members. The Primary, Secondary and Navigation proposals qualified by Analysis + Conformity + Prognosis ACP-supplements are optimized through 3 proposal's corrections.
Thematic debate - ion21Swiss team members can on the ion21Portal transmit or improve ideas and align different positions
Primary proposal - the initial version of a proposal with Strategic analysis, Navigation conformity and General prognosis
Objective discussion - key aspects of a submitted proposal are considered in a objective debate on the ion21Portal
Primary support - the submitted Primary proposal (PP) can be refused or accepted if it reaches the PP support level
Secondary proposals - specific variants of a proposal with Economical analysis, Local conformity and Specific prognosis
Expert discussion - detailed aspects of an accepted PP are presented by team experts «« Competency votes sharing
Secondary support - the submitted Secondary proposal (SP) can be refused or accepted if it reaches the SP support level
1st correction - accepted Secondary proposals can be modified by submitters before the first voting round
R1 voting - 1st voting round with a weight of shared ACI-votes to select 2 preferred variants of a proposal
2nd correction - two winning Secondary proposals can be modified by submitters before the sedond voting round
R2 voting - 2nd voting round with a equal weight of 2 votes to choose the winning secondary proposal
Navigation proposal - the final version of a proposal with Ecological analysis, Global conformity and Parametric prognosis
R3 voting - 3rd voting round with a equal weight of 1 vote to accept or refuse the Navigation proposal (NP)
Realization - accepted NP can be implemented by experts who preferred the winning variant - Implementation team
Verification - Inspection team from experts who preferred the opposing variant can check the forecasted key parameters
Parametric nature
Proposal's Support LEVELS
Primary proposal - PPL
Secondary proposal - SPL
Navigation proposal - NPL
Decision-making MODES
Primary Proposal Support
Primary Proposal Acute - PPA
Primary Proposal Normal - PPN
Primary Proposal Precise - PPP
Secondary Proposal Support
Secondary Proposal Acute - SPA
Secondary Proposal Normal - SPN
Secondary Proposal Precise - SPP
Sharing Competencies
Sharing Competencies Acute - SCA
Sharing Competenc. Normal - SCN
Sharing Competenc. Precise - SCP
Voting Round 1st
Voting Round 1st Acute - R1A
Voting Round 1st Normal - R1N
Voting Round 1st Precise - R1P
Voting Round 2nd
Voting Round 2nd Acute - R2A
Voting Round 2nd Normal - R2N
Voting Round 2nd Precise - R2P
Voting Round 3rd
Voting Round 3rd Acute - R3A
Voting Round 3rd Normal - R3N
Voting Round 3rd Precise - R3P
Coefficients of COMPETENCY
High-school general - HGC
High-school in a field - HFC
University general - UGC
University in a field - UFC
Practice general - PGC
Practice in a field - PFC
Number of members - SVM
Duration of the term - SVT
Refunded INVESTMENT force
Refunded Investment Force - RIF
Project MOTIVATION Parameters
TERM lengths
WAGES policy
Primary proposal - PP
Secondary proposal - SP
Navigation proposal - NP
Analysis - Ana
Conformity - Con
Prognosis - Pro
PP: Strategic aspects, Strategic context, Strategic impacts
SP: Economical aspects, Economic context, Economical impacts
NP: Ecological aspects, Ecological context, Environmental impacts
Ana: Strategic analysis
Con: Navigation dimensions
Pro: General forecast
PP: Navigation dimensions: Better Perspective, Better Feelings, Better Results
SP: Local priorities, Current status, Future impacts
NP: Global priorities, Current status, Future impacts
Ana: Economical analysis
Con: Local priorities
Pro: Specific forecast
PP: General local forecast, General global impacts, General key parameters
SP: Specific local forecast, Specific global impacts, Specific key parameters
NP: Key parameters, Forecasted values, Tolerance intervals
Ana: Ecological analysis
Con: Global priorities
Pro: Parametric forecast
Quick Connect : For any questions you can email us at : or have a Whatsapp chat with us on : + 91 7710000959/960
Team Information
Sharing relevant data connected with a project among all team members. The fundamental principle of a successful teamwork is the full access to all information related to a given project. The knowledge base is needed for drafting of optimization proposals providing the best quality results.
Project information are shared among all team members in a common structured form: Title - topic name, Author - topic submitter, Abstract - short text version, Report - full version, Links - details to a given topic, Discussion - comments of team members.
Thematic discussion around project issues in ion21Forum on ion21Swiss Portal provides a platform for sharing inspirational ideas. Key topics how to improve the cooperation parameters and strategy can be presented as Primary proposals.
Activity and Investment Votes are shared occasionally according to:
7 Activity Votes - based on records in the Activity Table of a team member
7 Investment Votes - with respect to data in a corresponding Investment Table
Team Optimization
Each member of the ion21Swiss team may submit a proposal to optimize the team's strategy or parameters of cooperation. Optimization proposals can be submitted individually or by several members together.
Proposals have to be qualified by Analysis, Conformity and Prognosis:
Analysis - Strategic, Economical and Ecological aspects+context+impacts
Conformity - with Navigation dimensions, Local and Global priorities
Prognosis - General, Specific and Parametric forecasted impact
The initial version of a proposal supplemented by:
Strategic analysis - strategic aspects, context and impacts
Navigation conformity - complience with Navigation dimensions
General prognosis - general consequences and key parameters
Specific variants of the primary proposal supplemented by:
Economical analysis - economic aspects, context and impacts
Local conformity - complience with Local priorities
Specific prognosis - specific consequences and key parameters
Objective discussion on a given theme in ion21Forum on ion21Swiss Portal starts by submitting the Primary proposal and ends with refusing this Primary or respective Navigation proposal. All team members are welcomed to participate.
For submitted proposals has to be found a support among team members:
Primary support - Primary Proposal Level (PPL % of supported members)
Secondary support - Secondary Proposal Level (SPL % ion21Parameter)
Expert discussion on a given theme in ion21Forum on ion21Swiss Portal starts by accepting the Primary proposal and runs to the start of a Navigation process. Experts = team members qualified by knowledge declared in Competency Table.
Competency Votes are shared to preferred team members during the expert discussion on a given optimization proposal with respect to:
7 Competency Votes - records in the Competency Table of a team member
Each team member registers his project activities on ion21Swiss Portal in the Team ACTIVITY table which includes the following fields:
What - With - Where - When was done
How long did it take: From - To - Hours
Effort rate: 1-normal, 2-intensive, 3-exhaustive
Effort Hours = Hours x Effort rate coefficient
Supervision Agreement: 1-agree, 0.5-doubt, 0-disagree
Supervision Average from all supervisor's agreements
Result Hours = EHours x AvgSupervision
RHours Sum = total sum of all activity items
ACT% = % value of RHoursTAB ByTab = votes by ACT% Shared = votes after sharingGAP = Shared - ByTab
Team member registers education and experience on ion21Swiss Portal in the Team COMPETENCY table which includes the following fields:
Competence Item Specification
Duration Time: From - To - Years
Competence Field of education or experience
Competence Type: Primary school, High school, University, Practice
General Coefficient for a competence out of the proposal's field
Field Coefficient for a competence in the proposal's field
IsField flag indicating if a given proposal Is competence in Field
CYears = general or field Coefficient x Years of competence
CYears Sum = total sum of all competency items
COM% = % value of CYearsTAB ByTab = votes by COM% Shared = votes after sharingGAP = Shared - ByTab
Team member registers financial project investments on ion21Swiss Portal in the Team INVESTMENT table which includes the following fields:
Date - Purpose - Account - Entry - Note of a financial project contribution
Currency for a given Amount
Amount in a given Currency
Euro Value = Amount in EUR
Refunded Investment: Date, Euro Value, Percentage of invested Amount
INVforce EuroINV = Refunded Investment Force parameter correction
EuroINV Force Sum = total sum of all investment items
INV% = % value of EuroINVTAB ByTab = votes by INV% Shared = votes after sharingGAP = Shared - ByTab
Supported Secondary proposals can be updated at the end of the Expert discussion before starting the 1st Voting round.
Using SHARED VOTES during the 1st voting round team members select two preferred variants from all supported Secondary proposals.
One or more proposal's variants can be graded either supported or declined.
Every decision should be justified by reasons explaining pros or cos.
Decisions and reasons are displayed at the end of voting but hidden on the fly.
Duration of the R1 run in Acute (hours) - Normal (days) - Precise (weeks) mode is set by ion21Swiss parameters R1A - R1N - R1P.
Team members deside using SHARED VOTES in the 1st VOTING ROUND table with weights:
(-3) SURELY NO - with HIGH certainty
(-2) RATHER NO - with MIDDLE certainty
(-1) MAYBE NO - with LOW certainty
(+1) MAYBE YES - with LOW certainty
(+2) RATHER YES - with MIDDLE certainty
(+3) SURELY YES - with HIGH certainty
= 7 Degrees of Freedom including (0) NONE
Following fields has to be filled in:
Member identified by an ID and Code name
Votes shared sum Total and Used by voting
Decision with weight Nb and Votes count
Why and for what - feedback to others
Two preferred Secondary proposals can be updated at the end of the R1 Voting round before starting the 2nd Voting round.
Using TWO VOTES during the 2nd Voting round team members select the winning variant from two preferred Secondary proposals.
One or both proposal's variants can be either supported or declined.
Every decision should be justified by reasons explaining pros or cos.
Decisions and reasons are displayed at the end of voting but hidden on the fly.
Duration of the R2 run in Acute (hours) - Normal (days) - Precise (weeks) mode is set by ion21Swiss parameters R2A - R2N - R2P.
Team members deside using TWO VOTES in the 2nd VOTING ROUND table with weights:
(-6) SURELY NO - with HIGH certainty
(-5) RATHER NO - with MIDDLE certainty
(-4) MAYBE NO - with LOW certainty
(+4) MAYBE YES - with LOW certainty
(+5) RATHER YES - with MIDDLE certainty
(+6) SURELY YES - with HIGH certainty
= 7 Degrees of Freedom including (0) NONE
Following fields has to be filled in:
Member identified by an ID and Code name
Votes shared sum Total and Used by voting
Decision with weight Nb and Votes count
Why and for what - feedback to others
Confirm the NAVIGATION forecasted PROPOSAL
The winning Secondary proposal can be updated at the end of the R2 Voting round before starting the 3rd Voting round in the form of Navigation proposal.
With an equal weight of ONE VOTE during the 3rd Voting round team members accept or refuse the Navigation proposal.
Sum of votes used in the previous rounds are not taking into account.
Every decision should be justified by reasons explaining pros or cos.
Decisions and reasons are displayed at the end of voting but hidden on the fly.
Duration of the R3 run in Acute (hours) - Normal (days) - Precise (weeks) mode is set by ion21Swiss parameters R3A - R3N - R3P.
Team members deside using ONE VOTE in the 3rd VOTING ROUND table at points:
(-7) NO - Navigation proposal unwanted
(+7) YES - Navigation proposal wanted
The Navigation proposal is accepted if it reaches the percentage level of compliance given by the ion21Swiss parameter NPL.
Following fields has to be filled in:
Member identified by an ID and Code name
Votes shared sum Total and Used by voting
Decision with weight Nb and Votes count
Why and for what - feedback to others
Members: 21 per Cell
Group of up to 21 members enables to follow ideas and proposals of all colleagues using the ion21Swiss cooperation system.
A complex project team with more than 40 people should be therefore structured into ion21Cells with 21 (+/- 3) members.
ion21Grouping enables to each ion21Swiss team member act as a Sovereign on the Base cell level and became a Presenter of Primary and Secondary proposals on higher levels among 21 members up to the Top level.
Left A run: (1) Base (2) Top (3) Base
PP down2up support & down info if accepted
Right A run: (3) Base (4) Top (5) Base
SPs down2up selection & Navigation proposal
PRIMARY Proposal
1-2-3 Presentation
Support of the Primary proposal (PP) starts at the Base level by Sovereigns of the cell, where the PP was submitted:
M1 point - one round at the Base cell level with a weight of one vote (YES or NO).
The PP is accepted if its support reaches the Primary Proposal Level (PPL % of supported members).
The submitter of the PP accepted on the Base level becomes its Presenter up to the Top level;
Presenters of the former proposal became Delegates on higher levels (initially delegated by the cell of lower level).
Higher levels above the Base 1-cell level: 2-board, 3-ship, 4-fleet ... to the Top level M2
Presenters support (YES) or decline (NO) the PP with the weight of votes according to the number of Sovereigns represented.
The Left A of M21 symbolizes assessment of the PP from Base to Top level (M1 M2), by Presenters only from one branch.
PP approved up to the Top level is sent (M2 M3) to all Sovereigns concerned who can formulate Secondary proposals.
Left A12 run: (M1) Base level (M2) Top level
PP support by Sovereigns and Presenters
Left A23 run: (M2) Top level (M3) Base level
Submit Secondary proposals if PP accepted
3-4-5 Presentation
Harmonization of the Secondary proposals (SPs) starts at the Base level by Sovereigns of all cells affected by the PP.
Submitter of the winning SP becomes his Presenter on higher levels (2-board, 3-ship, 4-fleet ... to the Top level M4).
Sovereigns harmonize supported SPs in two rounds, in first and second rounds R1 and R2 on the Base level (point M3):
R1: by shared ACI-votes of Activity, Competence and Investments in points (-3), (-2), (-1), 0, (+1), (+2), (+3)
R2: by two votes in points (-6), (-5), (-4), 0, (+4), (+5), (+6); with stating their choice to others in writing
Presenters harmonize the winning SPs in two voting rounds, the first R1 and the second R2, on higher levels:
R1: by a sum of the weighted votes from the previous 1st round in points (-3), (-2), (-1), 0, (+1), (+2), (+3)
R2: by a sum of the weighted votes from the previous 2nd round in points (-6), (-5), (-4), 0, (+4), (+5), (+6)
Sovereigns approve the Navigation proposal NP in the third voting round R3 on the Base level (point M5):
R3: by one vote in points (-7), 0, (+7); with giving feedback to others by stating the choice in writing
NP is accepted if it reaches the level of compliance given by the ion21Swiss parameter NPL in the absolute majority of cells.
Right A34 run: (M3) Base level (M4) Top level
SPs selection by Sovereigns and Presenters
Right A45 run: (M4) Top level (M5) Base level
Approval of Navigation proposal by Sovereigns